FSNotes 6.0.1 mac版 是一款macOS下开源的笔记应用,FSNotes 支持MarkDown以及RTF格式文件,还支持超过170种代码语言的高亮显示,还有iOS版本适合程序员使用。
FSNotes for mac 是一款轻量级的Markdown应用,但是它可以支持1万行以上的文件,并且滚动很平滑。
FSNotes for mac采用程序员比较熟悉的Git来做版本管理和备份,这样笔记不会再丢失。在设置中可以设置备份时间间隔。
Markdown-first. Also supports any plaintext and RTF files.
Fast and lightweight. Works smoothly with 10k+ files.
Access anywhere. Sync with iCloud Drive or Dropbox.
Multi-folder storage.
Keyboard-centric. nvalt-inspired controls and shortcuts.
Syntax highlighting within code blocks. Supports over 170 programming languages.
In-line image support.
Organize with tags.
Cross-note links using [[double brackets]].
Elastic two-pane view. Choose a vertical or horizontal layout.
External editor support (changes seamless live sync with UI).
Pin important notes.
Quickly copy notes to the clipboard.
Dark mode.
AES-256 encryption.
Mermaid and MathJax support.
Optional Git versioning and backups.
Version 5.3.9
- Adds new sidebar icons
- Fixes "Paste and Match Style" #1326
- Fixes left button clicking is status bar #1267
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